Need for Change

     Change in this is said to be constant. Things change from time to time. Change is done to alter things to make things better for us.

      As we age, there is a need for us to change. I need to change my attitudes and actions from time to time in order to cope up with those of my age. I need to mature with respect to time.

     The society is composed by us people. And because we change, the society has to change also. The society affects the ones who belong in it. The society is composed of different kinds of people. And because of the differences, the society is divided into groups. The division in the society decreases the unity and sometimes starts argumentations and even war between groups. Division in the society is a big hindrance to success. We must be united in order for us achieve what we got to achieve.

     The country has to change. Philippine government is said to be one of the most corrupt government in the world. Those are in the positions are being corrupt. The leaders of the country are supposed to be the ones who will serve as the model to us Filipinos. And also, crimes are numerous these days. It seems like taking a life so easy. We often see in the television dead people on the streets. These things are can avoided only if the authorities will do their job well. Some of them take money as payment to do oppositions to the law.

     The world is vast yet it seems like it is so destructible. Human actions made it possible. We humans take much more than we actually need from the mother earth. These actions have made the world an unlikely place to live in. In the news, we now often see natural calamities taking place everywhere around the world. It is said to be the nature’s way of taking revenge to us and our abusive actions. We must not be abusive and be aware to the things happening around us. We must change for the better.

     In order for change to happen, we must do changes starting from ourselves first. Change will only be possible if all of us learn to think for the better, unity and have oneness of goal; to change for the better.

Reflective Essay

      Me and my classmates were asked by our teacher Mrs. Christine Luz Z. Boniao to make a blog containing our composition outputs in English III.

     It's not my first time in making a blog. I have done several tries but I never really updated and used it for a long while the blogs that i have made. In this blog, I really made an effort in making it. In the making of this blog, me and my classmates were to discover for ourselves on how to edit and enhance our blogs. I have learned to use the basic and complex functions of the blog. The skills I have learned will be a good help the next time I'll make another blog.

      I have also developed few writing skills. I have learned the use of images to communicate to the reader faster the way texts do. I have learned to take note of my grammatical errors better than before.

     I have learned and developed lots of skills from the making this blog. It gave me new ideas and techniques.

Thank You, Ma'am

            The story “Thank You, Ma’am” is about a boy named Roger who wanted to have blue suede shoes and a large woman who live on a rooming house alone, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. The boy tried to steel Mrs. Jones’ large purse but he lost his balance and fell on the sidewalk. Mrs. Jones got angry and stepped on his rear. She asked the boy what have drove him to try to snatch her purse. Roger lied that he did not intend to steal her purse.
            Mrs. Jones dragged Roger up the street to her door. There she commanded Roger to wash his dirty face and then shared a meal with him. She made Roger feel that he was loved and cared. Mrs. Jones made him comfortable by telling stories about her self. And because of that, Roger learned to trust Mrs. Jones and wanted her to trust him also. After the meal, Mrs. Jones gave Roger money to buy himself some blue suede shoes. She led him down the hall to the front door and told Roger to behave his self and to never try to steal anyone’s purse again. Mrs. Jones had made him not to feel embarrassed at her presence. He managed to say thank you to Mrs. Jones before she shut the door.
            Nowadays, there are numerous kids like Roger because of financial crisis. Lot of kids can relate themselves to Roger’s situation. If they happen to read this story, they might realize that when they feel isolated, they are not really alone, someone cares for them and they might keep their hopes up. The story would also make them to avoid stealing someone’s property. This can even change their lifestyle and even get themselves a job to pay there own expenses. It would be great if kids like Roger would all end up being like the new Roger, the Roger after engaging with Mrs. Jones.
I like Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones’ character. She has attitudes which I really admire. She is a strong woman but also a kind and a very understanding person. She can make someone change for the better by words and also, showing good deeds to them. She has a way with kids like Roger. She was cautious on the things that she has said and asked to Roger to avoid him from getting himself embarrassed. It’s an effective way to make someone to trust and respect you. Making someone feel better, makes them feel confident about themselves. I feel like being someone like Mrs. Jones. She is a woman that you can learn to respect just for a very short period of time like what he did with Roger. Actually, I see that she can be a good parent by how she showed care for Roger despite him trying to snatch her purse.
            The theme of the story is “trustworthiness”. In trusting, you can't just ask for it, you got to be worthy to gain it. It’s really good to have trust and faith for everyone if possible. It gives you less reason to think and worry. It also allows you to focus on better things. But it would be better to be trusted by others. It gives you much self-esteem and confidence in things you do.

What Christmas MeansTo Me

      Christmas is the time of the year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior. It's a special time of the year . We decorate our house with lights, lanterns, Christmas tree and etc..

     I agree that Christmas is a special day. At the month of December, friends and relatives go home an visit their respective families. We hold parties and exchange gifts, cards and thoughts, talk and gather around a certain place, any place as long as everyone's there. Kids and adults do carolings, singing Christmas songs for everyone. It's a good time to rest from work. Students take a break. We clear our minds from stress and pressure in school. Just relax and feel the cool breeze that gives us a relaxing sensation.

     when the clock strikes at twelve midnight, it's the time to start feasting and to be jolly, light up some firecrackers, make lots of noise, eat lots of foods and greet everyone Merry Christmas.

     Christmas is the time of the year when everything is special. We can't afford to miss out everyone. So, gather around and make each other in greetings this cold season.

     I wish to have all my relatives around during Christmas Day. having them around is already a great gift to me.

Our Values Today

     Everyone of us has values which we consider also as our main priority. But what actually are the values of
     We Filipinos are known to have strong ties with our family. We Filipinos value our respective families and consider them as one of our top priorities. These values have been passed from generations and still kept by us, the modern day Filipinos.

     Another value of today are our friends. We teenagers would spend most of our time with friends. Our friends influence us in either good or bad ways.

     Another value is God. Most Filipinos are christians and believes in one God. We would always give Him
credit in our lives. We would by his will.

     Our values affects our personality. That is why there is a need to choose wisely the things that we value and always included Him for he will guide us in our days.

My Teacher, My Hero

Little kids believe that heroes are those who have incredible strength and superpowers. But, what are the abilities of a real hero? For me, they are not those we see in anime and cartoon shows. They are those just around us, the ones who teach us the way of the world, the ones who affect our lives.
As a student, I would spend my time in school with my classmates and teachers. My teacher teaches me things that I might not learn at home. They give me and my classmates ideas to things surrounding us.

            Teachers are considered as the second parent of us students. They would treat us as their own child. They teach us to be responsible, to do tasks and to do them well. By these, I could say that my teacher is my hero. Our teachers are those who would lead us to success. I see in myself that I have become a person that I should be proud of. Compared to those students who are not entering school, they are confused on what road they are going to take in life. I am really thankful for having teachers who cares for me and my classmates. They are doing their best to assure our future. If there is a lesson that I can’t seem to understand, they’d willing to clarify it for me.
            Teachers are worth to be admired. They have qualities that are really pleasing. I would always remember them until I grow older. And I would always believe and consider them as my heroes.