My Teacher, My Hero

Little kids believe that heroes are those who have incredible strength and superpowers. But, what are the abilities of a real hero? For me, they are not those we see in anime and cartoon shows. They are those just around us, the ones who teach us the way of the world, the ones who affect our lives.
As a student, I would spend my time in school with my classmates and teachers. My teacher teaches me things that I might not learn at home. They give me and my classmates ideas to things surrounding us.

            Teachers are considered as the second parent of us students. They would treat us as their own child. They teach us to be responsible, to do tasks and to do them well. By these, I could say that my teacher is my hero. Our teachers are those who would lead us to success. I see in myself that I have become a person that I should be proud of. Compared to those students who are not entering school, they are confused on what road they are going to take in life. I am really thankful for having teachers who cares for me and my classmates. They are doing their best to assure our future. If there is a lesson that I can’t seem to understand, they’d willing to clarify it for me.
            Teachers are worth to be admired. They have qualities that are really pleasing. I would always remember them until I grow older. And I would always believe and consider them as my heroes.

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