Need for Change

     Change in this is said to be constant. Things change from time to time. Change is done to alter things to make things better for us.

      As we age, there is a need for us to change. I need to change my attitudes and actions from time to time in order to cope up with those of my age. I need to mature with respect to time.

     The society is composed by us people. And because we change, the society has to change also. The society affects the ones who belong in it. The society is composed of different kinds of people. And because of the differences, the society is divided into groups. The division in the society decreases the unity and sometimes starts argumentations and even war between groups. Division in the society is a big hindrance to success. We must be united in order for us achieve what we got to achieve.

     The country has to change. Philippine government is said to be one of the most corrupt government in the world. Those are in the positions are being corrupt. The leaders of the country are supposed to be the ones who will serve as the model to us Filipinos. And also, crimes are numerous these days. It seems like taking a life so easy. We often see in the television dead people on the streets. These things are can avoided only if the authorities will do their job well. Some of them take money as payment to do oppositions to the law.

     The world is vast yet it seems like it is so destructible. Human actions made it possible. We humans take much more than we actually need from the mother earth. These actions have made the world an unlikely place to live in. In the news, we now often see natural calamities taking place everywhere around the world. It is said to be the nature’s way of taking revenge to us and our abusive actions. We must not be abusive and be aware to the things happening around us. We must change for the better.

     In order for change to happen, we must do changes starting from ourselves first. Change will only be possible if all of us learn to think for the better, unity and have oneness of goal; to change for the better.

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